All the students, who failed their “Krok 2”. Test-Based Exam, can take part in their state graduation exams. These students do not obtain their Licensing Exam Certificates, their state certification is considered to be failed, and they receive no Higher Education Diplomas.
Minimum Passing Score (2021)
Currently, the minimum passing score is 60.0 % of correct answers. The minimum passing score is approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Decree № 106, adopted by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on January 22, 2021).
Rights and Duties of the Examinees
The Licensing Exams can be taken only by the students, who were properly registered with the Testing Board by their schools.
Students have the right to:
The students participating in the Licensing Exam have the right to write their tests according to the approved schedule, receive their test results, and appeal to recheck their obtained test score according to the standard procedure.
Students must:
• familiarize themselves with the Licensing Exam Procedure;
• timely arrive at the exam site and have their passports on hand;
• comply with the instructions and requests of the Testing Board representatives administering the Exam;
• upon completion of the test, hand over both the answer sheet and the exam booklet to the Testing Board representative administering the Exam;
• avoid bringing into the classroom any objects or substances that are potentially dangerous to the life and health of other test participants.
During the test, students must not:
A student, who violates these rules, loses the right to continue writing the test and, upon the request of the Testing Board representative, has to immediately hand over his/her answer sheet and leave the classroom. The submitted answer sheet in this case is not checked and marked instead as “0” (“fail”).
• use or have on their persons any additional materials, including communication devices or devices that can be used for scanning, processing, storage, and retrieval of information, as well as paper or any printed or handwritten materials that are not allowed by the test procedure;
• interfere with the work of other students and the duties of the persons authorized to administer the Licensing Exam;
• break the rules of conduct;
• communicate with other students or pass them any objects and materials, including exam materials;
• in any way disclose the information about the content of the test items before the exam is concluded;
• leave the classroom without a permission. If a student needs to leave the classroom to feed the baby, to have a bathroom break, because of a medical condition (in this case the presence of a medical condition must be properly confirmed with the relevant documents and the school needs to notify the Testing Board about it in writing in advance), etc., he/she must notify of it the Testing Board representative and receive permission to leave the classroom. When the student returns to the classroom, the officer of the Department of Police Security at the National Police of Ukraine must again use a metal detector or other devices to check, whether the student has on his/her person any gadgets, forbidden in the exam classroom. Additional seats in the classroom must be reserved for the students, who were allowed to leave the classroom during the Licensing Exam;
• take exam booklets and answer sheets out of the classroom during the exam.
Exam Procedure
General Information:
The Exam should be taken by the registered students only if their current health condition allows them to undergo testing.
To administer the Licensing Exams, the Testing Board makes and uses closed exam booklets in English. The Testing Board can provide different examination booklets for different groups of students.
Student Identification:
The students, who are to take the Exam, are identified based on their passports.
Before Exam Starts:
The students must leave their personal effects in the place allocated for this purpose by their school.
The students are to enter the exam classroom only in the presence of the representatives of the Testing Board, their school, and the Department of Police Security at the National Police of Ukraine. The students are admitted into the classroom and receive their exam materials only according to the list held by the Testing Board representative.
An officer of the Department of Police Security at the National Police of Ukraine uses a metal detector or other devices to detect any gadgets, forbidden in the exam classroom.
According to the Testing Board representative’s instructions, the students take their places in the classroom intermittently, with at least one seat remaining unoccupied between them. In this manner the students are consecutively seated row by row, leaving several rows free. The free rows are reserved for the reseating of the students, who during the exam need to leave the classroom.
Instructions for Students:
Before the start of the Licensing Exam, the Testing Board representative informs the examinees about the Licensing Exam procedure. After that, each student is given a numbered exam booklet.
A student must put his/her signature in ink into the “Additional Information” box on the answer sheet and enter the mandatory ID data and exam data. To personify the exam booklet, a student must fill in the boxes on the booklet cover with his/her identification code and surname and write down the booklet number into his/her answer sheet.
Exam booklets and answer sheets cannot be taken out of the classroom during the Exam.
The test for the “Krok” Exam consists of 150 questions. Foreign students have 3 hours to complete the test.
In the right part of the answer sheet, a student must write down the answers to the test tasks from the booklet.
Only one best answer must be marked in front of each test task.
Several answers or no answer will be considered an incorrect answer to the question.
The oval corresponding with the chosen answer must be filled completely, so that its area is fully colored.
All test tasks have 5 or sometimes 4 multiple choice answers, from which students need to choose the correct one.
If a student answers all the questions in the booklet earlier, he/she needs to raise the hand and the proctor will come and collect the booklet and answer sheet.
Finishing the Exam:
Having completed the work with the exam booklet, a student must put his/her answer sheet into the exam booklet, hand them over to the Testing Board representative, and leave the classroom.
If a Student Feels Unwell During the Exam:
If the student’s health condition becomes worse during the Licensing Exam, the Testing Board and school representatives must be immediately notified of it. If the continuation of the exam is impossible for such student, the Testing Board representative must discontinue the exam for the student and draw up the relevant report signed by the student and the representatives of the Testing Board and school.
Licensing Exam Results
The Licensing Exam results are officially published by the Testing Board by forwarding them to the official email addresses of higher education establishments within the period of 14 days. The Testing Board does not publish students’ scores on its official website.
The Licensing Exam results are presented qualitatively and quantitatively.
• The qualitative Licensing Exam results are presented in the “pass” / ”fail” format and are based on the professional competence requirements for healthcare workers, determined by the national standards for higher education.
The Licensing Exam results are presented in the relevant report forms, drawn up and approved by the Testing Board.
The Licensing Exam results are entered into the Testing Board database.
The students, who have successfully passed their Licensing Exams, obtain their Licensing Exam Certificates. The Certificates are drawn up and issued within the period of 30 days after the exam results are published. The students, who failed their Licensing Exam, still can take part in the other stages of the state certification.
All Certificates are entered into the Certificate Register of higher education trainees majoring in Medicine and Pharmacy. A Licensing Exam Certificate is an annex to the Higher Education Diploma of the corresponding level in the corresponding branch of knowledge. The Certificates are handed to the authorized representatives of higher education establishments, which is recorded in the relevant register.
In case of loss or damage to the Certificate, a student can receive a duplicate of the Certificate upon the written request made by the administration of his/her school to the Testing Board. The duplicate of the Certificate can be handed to the student in person or to the representative of the school administration, if both the written request and the student’s passport are presented.